Interview With Adam Stein Of FOX’s - On The Lot
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Q. Mark ( Tell us how got involved with ON THE LOT? Did you apply online or attend a casting call event?
A. I must have heard about it from ten different places: online, my parents, and friends. I never thought about being on a reality show before. When I applied, I assumed I would not hear back from anyone, but here I am.
Q. Mark ( How did you discover your interest in directing?
A. I always kind of knew
it was something I wanted to do. I am from originally from Miami and didn’t know anyone from the film business. I was told it was impractical to get into film living in Miami. I did a lot of theatre in high school and college and started directing theater while in high school. When I got to college, I decided to try and direct some films.
Q. Mark ( What is the biggest challenge about taking part in “On The Lot”?
A. Wow, I think the biggest challenge is making the film in such a short time frame. We just finished filming our first film on the lot. Our prior films were the submission films we sent in to get on the show. This past film I just worked on was amazing! I have never had the crew and resources like those provided to us. We basically made the films in three days.
Q. Mark ( Can you talk about what this opportunity means to you?
A. It’s really a dream come true opportunity. Even after going to USC’s film school, it’s a struggle to be a director. To get to be a director is a constant hike up a mountain. This could be a short cut up the mountain.
Q. Mark ( What inspired the short film “Dancing Man?”
A. I have always like stories about outsiders, people who don’t fit in. I thought about what people find funny – what does America think is funny? I thought about Napoleon Dynamite, everyone likes the dancing scene.
Q. Mark ( Name a film you saw that made you say: “That’s what I want to do with my life”.
A. For me, it was very early. I loved Star Wars and Indiana Jones and stuff. When I think back, it was a lot about action figures. I had a ton of Star Wars action figures and I would tell stories with them. They would have different battles and story lines. It’s not much different now, just a bigger scale. I always loved The Muppets, its helps with my sense of humor. There was a time when the Star Wars actors were the guests on The Muppet Show. I remember my mom called us in for dinner but my Dad sat and watched the show. That was the first time I realized film and TV weren’t just for kids. It was a WOW moment since I realized you can make things fun for kids and adults.
Q. Mark ( Is there anything else you would like to tell fans of the show and aspiring film makers?
A. Regarding film makers and people who are in a situation in which they do something on a straight and narrow path but really want to act or make films, or pursue a dream, they should go do it now. Even though I could be making more money as a lawyer, I am glad I did this.
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Filed under: On The Lot
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