ABC Is Bringing Back National Bingo Night, Apply Now!
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“National Bingo Night” will return to ABC this December with five consecutive nights of the high-energy game of luck based on the popular American pastime. The Network will ring in the holidays with a festival of fantastic prizes, culminating in a massive cash jackpot. “National Bingo Night” will air this December on the ABC Television Network.
During its six-week summer run, the popularity of “National Bingo Night” helped drive to be the top entertainment TV site for May, with over three million grids downloaded for at-home play prior to the series premiere. ranked No. 1 in May for both unique visitors and page views according to MediaMetrix and Nielsen NetRatings. Over $550,000 in cash and prizes were given to at-home viewers who logged on and played along.
In each episode, three high action Bingo games are played in-studio, with the viewing public invited to play along. In each game, a contestant tries his/her luck, racing against the studio audience as balls numbered from 1-75 are randomly selected from a giant sphere set in a high tech “Bingo Plex” arena. The studio audience tracks the numbers on their own Bingo cards for a chance to win and send the in-studio contestant home empty-handed. Millions of viewers are also able to play along at home by printing out free cards via for the opportunity to collect tens of thousands of prizes and become eligible for a huge cash jackpot.
How To Apply To Season Two: NATIONAL BINGO NIGHT
Do your family and friends consider you the life of the party? Are you ready to have a great time on stage in front of America? We are CASTING NOW and looking for enthusiastic people and colorful characters who are ready to win a lot of cash and prizes.
You don’t need the physical endurance of an Olympian or a genius IQ to bring home money and prizes. This game is all about lady luck and enthusiasm. If you enjoy games of chance and seeing just how far your luck will take you, then you’ll love this family friendly game show. The rules are simple, no tricks and anyone can play.
Read more and apply now to National Bingo Night
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Filed under: Casting Calls
We need this show in the U.K.! so many people are comfortable playing bingo at home on the internet that the crossover to main stream television is a natural one. I am not sure how family friendly it is though, this is still a form of gambling, what does everyone else think?
I am from North Carolina and love your show and when I was a small girl bingo was my favorite game. I would love to be on the show {and God knows we could use the money my husband has Parkinson’s and had to retire early} Our whole family loves the game show. What do you have to do to be consider a contestant on the show? Money or no money it would be a dream come to to get on the show. Thanks Annette {919 499 8157 home phone} {e-mail
I have played bingo since the age of 5. I almost always win using my lucky number 13. I would love to be a contestant. The past 8 years have been financially devastating, but in the mist of things I made a difference. I could use the money to get back on my feet - minimally to pay off my debt. I have many more dreams that would get me back on the horse after my debt was paid. Thanks so much.