Big Brother 8: A Nasty Nomination (7/15/07)

By RealityCheckByGina

To everyone’s dismay, Jen became Head of Household on the last episode of Big Brother & it looks like some unpredictable nominations are coming our way.  Since her housemates feel she’s an idiot, they figure strategy will play no part in her decisions and she will rely purely on emotion.  That probably means Dick is in trouble.  And that probably means Daniele (for jealous reasons) will be nominated.  Ooh, father pitted against daughter.  Can you say drama?

Despite their disdain for Jen, most of the houseguests suck it up & kiss up.  Dick decides not to give her any of the attention she so desperately seeks.  Spoiled Jen complains about her HOH room, saying she doesn’t like the pictures.  What is it with Jen & issues with pictures?  Joe makes a play to get rid of the rivals (Dick, Jessica, and of course, Dustin) but Jen’s not buyin’ it.  She turns to Kail for advice and when Jen guns for Nick, Kail steers Jen in a new direction.


Before nominations can be doled out, the houseguests must compete in their weekly food competition.  It’s men against women (with Joe playing for the women) in a game show style challenge, where they must identify ingredients in various pies.  The teams are neck & neck, eating disgusting combinations such as hot dog & strawberry pie and tuna & jelly beans pie.  Yuck!  The women (and Joe) end up losing, leaving them on slop for the week.


It’s time to check in with America’s Player, Eric, to see who America wants him to try to get nominated.  Seems America wants him to get rid of Jessica, an unlikely target in Eric’s mind.  But, in the spirit of the game, he’ll do as he’s told so he immediately heads for Jen to plant the seed.  It seems like Dick may have avoided being nominated until he starts calling Jen a “bitch” & verbally assaulting her.  Well, apparently Dick won’t be receiving a key tonight.


America’s Player has a new challenge.  Eric must develop a sleepwalking disorder and sleepwalk his way into a housemate’s bed.  To get in on the action and tell Eric whose bed to jump into, go to brother.


At the nomination ceremony, Jameka’s name is called first for being safe followed by Kail.  After that, her alliance Mike, Zach, and Nick are deemed safe.  Jessica follows along with Amber, Dustin, Eric, and Joe.  It’s father against daughter in a nasty nomination ceremony.  Jen says the house will be happier without them.  We’ll find out if they can save themselves on the next episode of Big Brother.


A new episode of Big Brother airs Tuesday night at 9pm EST

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