Interview with Jayanna from NBCs Age of Love

Jason ( How did you get involved in the show?
Jayanna (Age of Love): I answered an ad on Craigslist , it was for a host show but they ended up talking me into being on the show. I agreed to do it because they said what a spectacular guy he was.

Jason ( What did you […]


The two girls who received the fewest votes after Wednesday’s performance show were Jaimie Goodwin and Lauren Gottlieb; the two guys with the fewest votes were Dominic Sandoval and Kameron Bink. After each of the four dancers performed a solo routine, it was revealed that Goodwin and Bink were eliminated from the competition based on […]

Mike Dutz Is The Third Houseguest To Officially Be Evicted From The BIG BROTHER 8 House

Mike Dutz was evicted last night from the BIG BROTHER 8 House by a vote of 7-2 (Head-of-Household and the two eviction nominees do not vote).
This past Tuesday, Jen won the Power of Veto and took herself off of the chopping block. […]

Interview with Jaimie Goodwin & Kameron Bink Of FOX’s So You Think You Can Dance

On last night’s “So You Think You Can Dance”, America chose to eliminate contemporary dancers Jaimie Goodwin & Kameron Bink. Jaimie was no stranger to the bottom group, having landed there before but Kameron was a first-timers. Along with Lauren & Dominic, the bottom 4 danced solos but their fate had already been decided […]

Interview With Mike Dutz, The Third Eliminated Houseguest from Big Brother 8

Q. Mark ( Big Brother has to be one of the most popular reality shows on air and online, how did you find out about the casting call, web, a friend, online?
A. Mike Dutz, Big Brother 8: I saw an ad for it and applied to the show. I was one of the lucky […]

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