Interview With Mike Dutz, The Third Eliminated Houseguest from Big Brother 8
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Q. Mark ( Big Brother has to be one of the most popular reality shows on air and online, how did you find out about the casting call, web, a friend, online?
A. Mike Dutz, Big Brother 8: I saw an ad for it and applied to the show. I was one of the lucky ones and ended up landing a spot in Big Brother 8.
Q. Mark ( Big Brother is in its eighth season. Have you watched previous seasons, if so, what was your favorite?
A. Mike Dutz, Big Brother 8: My first connection with Big Brother was Big Brother season 6, I tuned in when season 6 had already started. After watching it, I made sure to catch the rest of it and any new season that came out.
Q. Mark: Which season did you like better Big brother season 6 or Big Brother All-Stars?
A. Mike Dutz, Big Brother 8: I liked Big Brother season 6 more the All-Stars.
Q. Mark ( Who were your favorite previous Big Brother houseguests?
A. Mike Dutz, Big Brother 8: I liked Kaysar and Janelle. I liked Kaysar’s way of thinking.
Q. Mark ( Did watching the past Big Brother seasons help you with strategy?
A. Mike Dutz, Big Brother 8: No, I went in with my own strategy and wanted to do things my own way. Someone in the house may have seen the same season and seen through my actions. I wanted to be unique.
Q. Mark ( What did it feel like once you knew you were going to be part of the cast?
A. Mike Dutz, Big Brother 8: I did not expect it by any means. There was a sense of excitement but I only had an hour to get ready and go. I was nervous and had a rush of emotions.
Q. Mark ( Who did you most admire/look up to in the house?
A. Mike Dutz, Big Brother 8: I did not necessarily look up to anyone but admired Jameka’s and Kail’s values and morals. I also looked up to Jen’s positive attitude. She doesn’t let things in the house effect her.
Q. Mark ( Now that you’re out of the house, what did you think about Eric being America’s player?
A. Mike Dutz, Big Brother 8: That was a big surprise and a very unique twist. It will be exciting to watch and see how it will play out. I had no idea that was going on and would have never thought he was the one who put mustard on Jens shirt. If I look back, I can see some peculiar moments with Eric and it makes sense to me now.
Q. Mark ( Was there anyone in the Big Brother 8 house you tried to steer clear of?
A. Mike Dutz, Big Brother 8: I put forth an effort with everyone at first but some Big Brother houseguests did not reciprocate. There were people who would not reciprocate and some conversations were one sided. One of those people was Jessica. Jessica could not hold a conversation with me so I stayed away. I avoided people who were one dimensional.
Q. Mark ( Was Dick one of the Big Brother houseguests that you could not have conversations with?
A. Mike Dutz, Big Brother 8: No, Evil Dick and I talked all the time. We talked about a lot of things outside the Big Brother 8 house. I did not go out of my way to stay clear of him, but it may have looked that way with the editing of the footage.
Q. Mark ( Talk to me about Evil Dick. His temper and power seemed to increase with the last couple of shows, what does the rest of the house think of him?
A. Mike Dutz, Big Brother 8: There was definitely a sense of him changing his disposition after he came off the nominee block, won a TV, had didn’t get kicked out of the house. He was on a huge power and ego trip. He was starting to tell people what to do. It spread around the house that he was on an ego trip. If things did not go his way, it definitely showed.
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Q. Mark ( Do you think the Mrs. Robinson alliance and the fact that you taunted Evil Dick during the POV challenge lead to your early departure?
A. Mike Dutz, Big Brother 8: Yes absolutely, without a doubt. On day one in the Big Brother house, I did not want to form any alliances. I wanted to fly solo. Kail wanted to form an alliance right away and for the fear of repercussions of not accepting her offer, I took it. I wanted it to be an alliance with just the two of us but she wanted three. We ended up having a four person alliance since Zach and Nick had already formed one together.
Q. Mark ( Any regret helping Kail out? Do you feel she should have been in your place?
A. Mike Dutz, Big Brother 8: No, I would have not changed a thing. I did not want my character to be jeopardized in any way, shape, or form.
Q. Mark ( What’s your best guess as to which two houseguests will be the last to stand?
A. Mike Duntz, Big Brother 8: I would like to see Jen and Jameka in the finals. However, if I had to guess I think it will be Eric and Daniele.
Q. Mark ( Can fans find you on
A. Mike Duntz, Big Brother 8: Yes, they can find me at:
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Filed under: Big Brother
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