Don’t Miss the Finale Of Shaq’s Big Challenge Tomorrow on ABC

In the Season Finale, thousands turn out to see the incredible transformations of the six kids, as Shaq, “Doc” and Tarik conduct the final critical President’s test in front of a packed stadium; Dr. Muiños and Shaq meet with the families to deliver the final medical diagnoses; Shaq gathers the final results on his school […]

Big Brother 8: An In-Jen-ius Nomination

Dick is convinced that Jen went against him, attempting to vote out Kail. Actually, it was Eric but as America’s Player, he has to keep that under wraps. Nick and Amber speculate that it was Jessica who went against the house. Amber really thinks it’s Nick. Paranoia is spreading throughout the house. Lucky for […]


Bravo’s “Top Chef 3 Miami” packs on the calories with a supersized sixth installment that touches on the senses as the remaining 10 chef’testants’ compete for immunity and identify ingredients by sight or taste (Wed, Aug. 1 from 10:00-11:15 p.m. ET/PT). Later, the contenders team-up and work their magic with frozen foods under the watchful […]

The Three Finalist Have Been Chosen For ABC’s American Inventor

On last Wednesday’s (July 25) episode of “American Inventor,” using the criteria of innovation, mass appeal, marketability and passionate pitch, the judges whittled down the six finalists to three. America was then called upon to vote to determine who will win the million-dollar prize and the title of American Inventor, which will be revealed in […]

Get Ready to March! FAT MARCH!


 January of this year, I found myself in the midst of casting for The Biggest Loser and ABC’s then unnamed show (Fat March).   As a woman who had completely let herself go, from being a fit and toned 150, to a massive 248, I saw the chance to be on these shows as my golden […]

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