The Man Behind the Marchers - A Chat With Steve Pfiester

So last night I got the opportunity to talk with Steve Pfiester (Trainer/Host, ABC’s Fat March) and get his take on the show, his role as a trainer, and his advice for those looking to apply for a reality show to get fit. Normally, when I call the Pfiester household, I’m chatting with Bonnie, and Steve’s passing by in the background (as most husbands are apt to do), mumbling random things.

After the initial “Hey, how’s it goin?” and typical conversation pleasantries, I jumped in and started asking Steve about Fat March. Boom! You could feel how much he cared from the instant shift in his tone of voice. This show, and the people in it have taken root in Steve’s heart, and he’s fiercely dedicated to them.

We all know that being on a weight loss reality show as a contestant changes your life. But what a lot of people don’t realize is the significant impact this experience has on the trainers, the people who invest in the well being of the cast members. When I asked Steve how the show changed him, he said that in the 10 weeks they were together, people grew emotionally close, the relationships were very “raw” and real immediately. With only 10 weeks to make some serious changes and get the marchers on the road to health, Steve couldn’t take the time to tiptoe around issues, or worry about hurting people’s feelings. He had to step up, address the problems (being severely overweight), and work on changing that as they walked.

During this time, the cast and trainers developed a respect for eachother, and felt like they owed it to each other to give everything they had inside.

As a trainer, Steve sees in people potential that many times, they fail to see, or have given up on as a lost cause. Getting people to believe in themselves is a big part of the challenge, and one of the most significant pieces of the puzzle for sustained weight loss. It was a hard lesson for Steve to realize that no matter how badly HE wanted to help the cast, no matter how motivated HE was, that he couldn’t do that for someone else. That was the most frustrating thing about filming Fat March, that he saw so much potential in some, and they just didn’t see it in themselves.

For the most part, the marchers gave eachother complete encouragement, absolute patience, and built relationships that are rare to find on reality tv shows. One of the main reasons this happened? Because if they voted someone off, or if someone quit, everyone in the group each lost $10,000! There was no reward in voting people off so a contestant could hoard all the prize money, since you lost a big chunk if someone left. This twist allowed folks with incredibly dynamic, strong personalites to take the time to get to know eachother, and get along by working through issues.

The concept of encouraging teamwork and discouraging the behind the back scheming definitely sets Fat March apart from other reality shows. But according to Steve, one of the main differences is that this show has such a strong story line, a really in depth look at the people as well as the process, is that you almost forget that it’s about weight loss until you reach the weigh ins! You’ll have a wonderful glimpse into the lives of the marchers, and I have it on good authority that after a long day of marching, Mr. Pfiester himself let’s his infamous sense of humor and self admittedly lame jokes slip out.

As the show airs, one of the questions many people at home will be asking themselves is “Is this show for me? Should I try out? Or should I work to get the weight off on my own?” Steve’s take? If you wait for a show, it’s like saying “I’m drawing a line in the sand, creating a ‘Someday I’ll’ scenario.” The problem with “somedays”? They might never come, and where will you be then, how will you feel about sitting there, waiting for something to happen TO you? Instead , forgive yourself for getting heavy in the first place, for holding onto emotional baggage that is literally weighing you down. Draw a line in the sand and say “Today is the day.” Set a goal, a reward for yourself by a certain date. Find a support group, and keep yourself accountable!

And if you still want to apply for a weight loss reality show when the time comes, you’ll know you’re doing it for the right reasons, because you’re already putting your health first.

———–> Next time, more about the marchers’ weight loss program…. can you REALLY get healthy just from walking? What they did, and how it’s working for folks at home!

** Fat March can be seen on ABC, Monday nights at 9pm (8 central). Bonnie and Steve Pfiester operate Longevity Club in Vero Beach, FL, and are dedicated to helping others through their expertise in the health/fitness industry **

Carrie Falquist is an artist, a mother, and the group leader for , and online weight loss support group, originally formed from those who tried out for The Biggest Loser and/or Fat March, who are now dedicated to lose the weight on their own and encourage others to do so as well.

fat Fat March march

Last 5 posts by Carrie Falquist

7 Responses to “The Man Behind the Marchers - A Chat With Steve Pfiester”

  1. I can’t wait for Monday to hurry up and get here so I can watch the show, Fat March! My husband and I are dedicated to our work out routines - and struggling with food on a daily basis. Watching our calories - keeping up with our protein intake. Making sure our cardio is not wasted - we really try and give it our all. Even though he isn’t always right beside us, Steve Pfiester’s encouragement is always in our hearts and our souls. Those marchers are/were so lucky to have Steve. He is more than your average trainer, he’s an inspiration to everyone he touches.

  2. Thanks for all the support. If anyone wants to come meet us and be one of our myspace friends, come visit us! My URL is 1spagirl and Steve’s URL is 1spaguy

    Hope you like the show!

  3. Over the past 2 weeks or so, I’ve been lucky enough to have met both Steve and Bonnie through Myspace. They are both amazing people with big hearts and wonderful souls.

    Steve, as busy has he is, has taken the time to encourage and motivate me through emails, and help me see that I was not pushing myself to my true potential. I can’t begin to say how much I appreciate him for that! It means the world to me.

    I am so excited to watch Fat March! I am more motivated now about losing weight than I have ever been in my life, but I know seeing this show will motivate me even more!

  4. There are many people in the world today who go to their work and hate it. There are many people in the world today who care more about making a fast buck than customer service or making a difference. There are many people in the world today who are NOT loyal,honest,trustworthy,compassionate,funny,sincere and/or have a true love for their family and friends.

    I can say I have found two new friends in this world that are people YOU need to know… and we ALL are lucky enough to have the opportunity to on August 6th when “FAT MARCH” premieres on ABC.

    Steve and Bonnie Pfiester are in my book the most sincere and compassionate team I know. I encourage you to go to their myspace sites … and see exactly what i am talking about. Just take a look at Steve’s YOUTUBE and you will want to go directly to the nearest fitnes center or send Bonnie a comment and she will respectfully reply back to you with care and concern. These two awesome people are two trainers who are not only a husband and wife … they are soul mates - which inturn shines in EVERYTHING they do. I went to their site on a recommendation of a friend and was amazed at their community involvement with Relay For Life and so many other activities. These two really care about people and their jobs! That is why I cant wait for their show to premiere on August 6th. Steve is so compassionate and is so real. You cant do something like tackle losing weight or walking over 500 miles unless you have someone who is a true motivator..I will be interested to see myself who really is real on this show . Knowing Steve - he probally was the one on the entire walk who was more interested in making sure the contestants were being taking care of and focussed on the task than trying to jump infront of the camera trying to get in his 15 minutes of fame by doing the show … Steve cares so much about his job and is so commited … he had to of been FAT MARCHES biggest motivator and cheerleader! I was not there - but I can only imagine his love,desire, and true fight he had to help everyone go through to complete this show. I urge you to tune in and watch “FAT MARCH” this AUGUST 6TH,2007.

    I ALSO URGE YOU TO LEARN FROM TWO WONDERFUL PEOPLE - STEVE AND BONNIE PFIESTER. I am so blessed to have them as good friends - and you can learn more about them and their love for what they do by checking out their sites and watching them in action. Steve has already motivated me to lose 6 lbs… and I am ready to walk 500 miles now - because I know I can get results!
    I am ready to get a new life … are you? Thanks to Steve who is someone WHO DOES LOVE HIS JOB, GIVES EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE AND WHO STRIVES TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, AND WHO IS …LOYAL,HONEST,TRUSTWORTHY,FUNNY, AND HAS A SINCERE LOVE FOR HIS FAMILY AND FRIENDS…I am now a changed person and ready to rock the world!!! Fire up America there is a new kid in town and his name is STEVE PFIESTER … Have you gone to the ABC STORE and got your I LOVE STEVE tee yet? You better before they are all gone… Fire up for “FAT MARCH” … and besure to check out 1spaguy and 1 spagirl their URL’s on myspace.


  5. I watched the program FAT MARCH last night. I loved it. I liked the concept of team work, and walking for weight loss. Other weight loss programs in TV, focus on competitiveness, individuality, stategy, and expensive workouts. Plus, stupid games with punishments for the participants to derailed them from loosing weight. Last night I saw for the first time something I really like, interdependency of the participants. The loss of prize money for everyone if they loose and teammate. These things enforces the truth about weightloss, it is an individual issue with a collective impact. We are all paying for the obesity epidemic, thus we all sohould get involved helping other to loss weight instead of pointing finger.

    I was upset with the voting someone out. I think the group did it for the right reasons, but the guy was so motivated and so committed that it hurts me. On the other hand the lady that just quit in the middle of it, is an example of how our sedentary lifestyles are limiting and affecting our physical health and our emmotional health as well as our self confidence. I have to say so far I am positively impressed with the show, and I can’t believe it (I really dislike reality tv shows in general).

  6. I am not sure that the heavier people can safely do this challenge. It makes no sense to have them walk and break bones in their feet. Imagine the skin on the inner thighs rubbed away, and the folds of skin and issues of that sort…..

    Perhaps if would have been better to have choosed participants which were less then 80 pounds over weight for this program.

  7. I think the show was great. I was able to watch the show with him and about 100 of his friends. I have been very lucky in my life for I can call Steve a friend. He is the guy who will be there and I think you saw a small part of him last night. The show was awesome and I can not wait till next week.

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