CBS’s Controversial Kid Nation In Now Casting Season 2

CBS is currently casting the second season of their amazing new series – “Kid Nation”. Casting Directors are looking for exceptional, outgoing and enthusiastic kids who would be interested in a unique learning experience and the adventure of a lifetime. If that describes your child and he or she is between the ages of 8 and 15 apply now below

About Kid Nation Season 1:
KID NATION is a reality-based series in which 40 kids will have 40 days to build a new world - in a ghost town that died in the 19th Century. These kids, ages 8-15, will spend more than a month without their parents or modern comforts in Bonanza City, N.M., attempting to do what their forefathers could not - build a town that works. They will cook their own meals, clean their own outhouses, haul their own water and even run their own businesses - including the old town saloon (root beer only). They’ll also create a real government - four kid leaders who will guide the kids through their adventure, pass laws and set bedtimes. Through it all, they’ll cope with regular childhood emotions and situations: homesickness, peer pressure and the urge to break every rule they’ve ever known. At the end of each episode, all 40 kids will gather at an old fashioned Town Hall meeting where they will debate the issues facing Bonanza City. They’ll show wisdom beyond their years and the unflinching candor that only kids can exhibit. There are no eliminations on KID NATION - you only go home if you want to. And in every Town Hall meeting, kids may raise their hands and leave. Will they stick it out? In the end, will these kids prove to adults everywhere - and their own parents - that they have the vision to build a better world than the pioneers who came before them? And just as importantly, will they come together as a cohesive unit, or will they abandon all responsibility and succumb to the childhood temptations that lead to round-the-clock chaos?

If you feel your child is a good fit for season 2, apply for KID NATION season 2 here

kid nation

Last 5 posts by Mark

20 Responses to “CBS’s Controversial Kid Nation In Now Casting Season 2”


  2. I am a smart and responsible 10 year old boy with great outdoor skills. I would love to be a part of the next Kid Nation.

  3. I’m an intelligent, strong, easy to work with, 13 year old from the backwoods of Texas and I would love to be on the next season of Kid Nation.

  4. O_M_G!!

    I really want to be a part of the season 2 Kid Nation. I have what it takes to make it to the top. I also have skills and experience that will help the Nation be a success. Please let be a part of the next Kid Nation, This will mean the world to me!!!!!!! Thank you!

  5. I really want to be on Kid Nation 2. I want to be able to experience what the kids in Kid Nation 1 experienced. I am intelligent and i know i can survive.Please this will change my life. thank you.

  6. i want to be apart of kid nation too!! i think this will be very interesting to see how kids wil govern versus adults..i REALLY want to be on this show and i think im ready and skilled too….i REALLY want to be there for Kid Nation 2.

  7. I am a really ambitous kid, ready to be exploited by greedy producers who will work me overseas in countries without child labor laws, no child welfare oversight…and I am more than happy to be manipulated so I can see myself portrayed in the most unflatering circumstances possible.

    After all, if CBS is willing to work the law to make sure there is no outside oversight over what happens with young minors, who am I argue.? I will get my mug on TV and be famous…..

    (and then spend of the rest of my school life being teased and harrassed by “friends” and bullies who always do that kind of thing, even with talented child stars.)

    Yep…CBS….you are welcomed to make millions and million on me…and pay me many dollars below minimum wage, while my parents didn’t bother to read the fine print in the contract which allows you do whatever you want with me, with absolutely no protections/

  8. Well if ur folks werent so greedy and/or read the contract you would not be on the show. I would place blame on your parents.

    If I offer you 1,000 to punch yourself in the stomache and you get internal damage I think you are to blame right?

    Also, so many people are talking so badly about this show they will actually help the ratings :) I for one had no interest until I saw the bad comments. Now I cant wait.

    So blame your folks kid, they need to READ before they offer you up for TV

  9. im talking my mom into letting me apply for kid nation 2. i think it will be a great experience. i will get to experience the adult life without parents for 40 days. what an adventure!! i think if im on the show it will help me learn how lucky i am to have some of the things i have. like running water for example. im ready to go. i guess i will have to say goodbye to my ipod for 40 days!! oh well i can live without.

  10. hi my name is jayla and i am 11years old and i will be 12 years old on 9-1-07 and i want to be on kid nation because i am a hard working girl and i will do anything to help out a town so please give me a chance to help out a town and other kids and when kids watch us they will feel like they can do this to.

  11. Kids should be able to have a “survivor-type” show too. I think the adults are wrong and want to be on the next Kid Nation. Jared

  12. please let me be on kid nation i want to prove to people that i am tough enough for this cause my whole life i was made fun of and i always watch kid nation and i dream someday like that will probably be me one day and if you want to make me apart of kid nation season 2 then email me back

  13. hi. my name is Max. I will be 15 on may 10th 2008. im really outgoing and funny and if i were put on the show i would love to help the younger kids to grow and for them to teach me things i still need to learn. i have always wanted to be on a survivor reality type of show and i am sure the experience would teach me a lot and I would also be able to be there for others and teach them things if i were put on the show.

    thanx for looking at my response!!

  14. i also am not shy at all and i love meeting new people. this experience would mean so much to me. please let me be on the show. thank you CBS

  15. OMG!I really wanna be on Kid Nation.I wanna be able to prove to my friends that i can survive w/o technology and other things.They said i would prolly die.I want this more than anything!!

  16. I am a 15 year old from st. louis missouri, i hunt, i have good outdoor skills, and my dream in life is to be on telivision. I’m laid back an pretty easy to get along with if your on my good side, and if i could have this opportunity i would savor every second of it. thanks CBS

  17. I love your show! If I don’t be on the show, I’m going to cry. Because I am very smart I get straight A’s most of the time when I try my very hardest . I would do anything to be on the show. It would be a great experience for me!!!!!

  18. I love Kid Nation and it is my dream to be on this show I’m a leader. I will amek it too the end. I would love to be on this show.

  19. Hi I am Brianna and i just turned 13 on November 17.I am a great girl who is smart, athletic and great at cheering people up. I think I would be great on the show because I know what it is like to work indipendently.I think I would make Bonanza CIty a great place and I would get a wonderful experience doing it.Plese pick me to be on Kid Nation I think I will help make Bonanza City a better place.

  20. I’m Kendra I’m 14

    I’m outgoing person love kids and I grow up from a family of 4 sisters and I have been pushed around bossed around and Here I’m still standing on my 2 feet.I think I could really learn from this and about myself and others. Besides if you pick me all of my sisters will be jealous and I would yell “YES”.

    thanks for taking the time to read this


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