Big Brother 8 Recap - Thursday August 9th Big Brother Live Eviction Show

kail.jpgBy Paradise
Show starts with flashback of Dick and Dani setting up Eric for eviction. Dick’s apology to Jen and the LNC plotting against Dick and Daniele. Showed Jen winning the POV competition and Eric going on the block. A few shots of Eric chewing his nails

Some great shots of Zack in his bunny suit, who thinks that was the cutest punishment ever?? How can anyone look threatening in a bunny suit. Props to Zack for being such a good sport about
the suit and the dumping of manure on his head.

Julie talks about how America may be losing our player tonight. Eric comes off confident in his DR and the faith he has in Jess, Jameka, Dustin and Amber. Kail is nervous and thinks Eric is too well liked. Dani and Dick are adamant about needing Eric gone.

Eric campaigns to Amber first and Amber promises on her little girls life(shot of Amber and her precious little girl). Dick tells Kail that as shocking as it is he wants her to stay. Jen tells Dick she is worried they don’t have the votes.

Amber tells Dick that she gave Eric her word and Dick tells Amber that Eric has something in his back pocket to ambush Amber with if he needed to. Something she did that was so horrible that everyone would change their opinion forever and want her out of the house immediately. Big Brother shows Amber in the pool telling Eric her secret. Dick tells her that he has never lied to her and Amber is visibly upset saying “Oh My God” as Dick leaves the room. Amber runs to Dustin and tells him that Eric is talking about her. Dustin wants to keep him but Amber is very angry and upset. Dick tells Amber that Eric betrayed her and Amber says she swore on her daughters life. Dani says this whole week is for Nick to right what is wrong. Amber runs back to Dustin and tells him that Dick offered a deal that if they vote Eric out that they will be safe for a week, Dustin is resistant and Dustin calls her a psycho but Amber won’t have it. She says Eric is leaving, she says for the first time she feels like her head is in the game. Dustin says she doesn’t have to go back on her word and he will vote out Eric. Next shot is of Amber raging on Eric about using something she said in confidence for something she did while she was on drugs, she dares him to tell everyone. Eric is completely silent as are all the other houseguests. Amber calls him the devil in disguise. She tells him that Nick is home with his family and he should be there with the good people and he isn’t because of Eric, she tells him she hates him and that it felt good to say it. She ends the rant with “you are going home”.

Julie asks Jameka how it was to witness Amber’s rant on Eric. Jameka said it was uncomfortable at the time but once it was said and done they all came back together. Julie then asks about Jameka giving up 5 HOH’s, Jameka said she regretted it but would play hard in veto.

Question from viewer questioning Dustin about wearing the same gray shirt everyday. Dustin says it is all about consistency and that he has 3 gray shirts.

Spotlight on Dick.

Flash to Sunset Boulevard and Dizzy Read from Guns and Roses, saying Dick is not a name dropper that people drop his name. Many different rockers saying Dick just tells it like it is. Say Dick is as loyal as a friend can get, and that Dick is a sap and a sweetheart kind of guy. Lots of guys and girls shown with I love Dick t-shirts.

Julie goes to interview Daniel and asks about her relationship with her dad. Daniele says it is a very slow process but it is getting better and has helped her. She says her Dad is a different person than herself and that people take out being afraid of her Dad on her.

Julie asks if Dani is 100% sure that Eric is the one who set up Nick, Dani said right or wrong Eric is a huge threat.

Talk about Kail and all her businesses. Darin Kail’s husband talks about how smart she is not telling anyone how well off they are. Shows Dick verbally attacking Kail, her hubby says he doesn’t mind Dick yelling at her as part of his strategy. He says she is downplaying how strong of a Christian she is in the house. Darin says they think she’s weak but if they keep her in too long they will be in trouble.

Nominee’s plead their case:

Kail says it’s her third time in a row on the block and that it doesn’t get easier and she asks for another week cause she won’t take it for granted.

Eric says thanks everyone and wants to stay to work on bonds and to mend bonds.

Dick - I happily vote to evict that weasel Eric.
Jen - vote to evict Eric
Jess - vote to evict Kail
Zack - vote to evict Eric
Jameka - vote to evict Kail
Dustin - vote to evict Kail
Amber - vote to evict Kail

Kail is evicted in her bunny suit.

Dustin lies and says he voted Eric out to Dick. Dick is not buying it.

Kail says in her interview with Julie that being the first HOH. SAys that Dick being mean isn’t strategy. Jen’s goodbye message very sweet and says she wants to take Kail shopping on Melrose.
Dani’s goodbye sounds very rehearsed and apologizes for putting her up as a pawn.

Jessica wins HOH.

Dick and Daniele look very upset.

Comes back to the houseguests fighting, Dustin saying to Dick don’t you ever ever talk to me like that. Jameka and Dick arguing, Dick blaming Jameka for the swayed vote.

This persons opinion on the show…BB has done a great job with the show this year, they are usually very entertaining. The feedsters were not shocked with the vote result as the houseguests have been flipping back and forth all week. What surprised me is that Dick would blame Jameka for voting Eric to stay..she has said she would all along. The Donato’s are gonna need a miracle for both of them to stay in the game. In my opinion this show will die without Dick, even with his rants against most of his housemates, he is the only one that brings any sort of excitement to the house. My prediction is that Zack and Dani or Jen and Dani will go up with a plan to backdoor Dick. If they can’t get Dick then Dani will go. But you never know in the Big Brother house, things turn on a dime.
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