Interview with Dante from Last Comic Standing

dante1.jpgToday I had the opportunity to chat with Dante from this seasons Last Comic Standing. Dante received an acting scholarship to U.S.I.U, where he became befriended Jamie Foxx and drove Jamie to his first show ever at the Comedy Store in La Jolla. Today, Dante is one of the top headlining comedians in the United States, appearing on numerous television shows and in films. He appears to sold-out crowds across the country.

Q. Mark ( Great to talk with you this morning, man. How have things been going since you left the show?

A. Dante (Last Comic Standing): This whole experience has been crazy. It’s just been nutty since I left the show.

Q. Mark ( Tell us about how you got your start in comedy?

A. Dante (Last Comic Standing): I started in 1986. When I was 15 a friend of mine and I started our own comedy team. When we went off to college I went solo. When I became 21 I moved to LA and did what seemed like a million TV guest spots. I opened for some big names over the years such as Robin Williams, Andrew Dice Clay etc.

Q. Mark ( Which comics have been your biggest inspirations?

A. Dante (Last Comic Standing): There are a million people I look up to. In 1980 Jim Carry had a special on Showtime that I used to watch. Jim did all his great impressions. I watched that show all the time, well before he became the Jim carry we know today. I loved Richard Pryor, but I had to hide around the corner when my parent watched him since his work was geared more for adults. I also watched Johnny Carson. I have always been inspired by people who told jokes.

Q. Mark ( I have seen other comics like Doug Benson try out on prior seasons of Last Comic Standing. Had you tried out for a prior season?

A. Dante (Last Comic Standing): I tried out twice before, when Bob and Ross did the talent search. When I tried out last prior my daughter was 2 ½ at the time and I had to take her with me to all of the auditions. I went in unprepared. One of the producers watched her while I went into the audition but heard I could hear her yelling Daddy Daddy. So they allowed her to come in and watch. I could tell that bringing her in upset the judges a bit.

This season I was ready. I was prepared. I made it my goal to get on the show. Instead of hitting the clubs once a night, I went on stage 3 – 4 times per night.

Q. Mark ( Did you watch previous seasons of Last Comic Standing? If so who stands out?

A. Dante (Last Comic Standing): I am a fan of a lot of them; John Heffron is very funny and deserved to win.

Q. Mark ( Who are your favorite comics on the show now?

A. Dante (Last Comic Standing): I like them all and I not trying to be politically correct. Ralph Harris beat me in the head to head challenge I love and respect him as a comic. Lavell Crawford is also a great comic He and I were the only ones to receive a standing ovation. Schumer is one of the funniest this year. Every time I see Gerry Dee I become more impressed I don’t know who will win. They found the best in world and I am honored that I was a part of the cast and in the top 10. Tell everyone to keep watching.

Q. Mark ( Will you try out for next season?

A. Dante (Last Comic Standing): Unfortunately, once you get in the top 10 I don’t think you can try out for a future season. If they do a “best of show” I am throwing my hat in ring.

Q. Mark ( Where and is your next gig so that fans can come see you?

A. Dante (Last Comic Standing): I am going to be in California a lot right now. Fans can check my schedule on my myspace at

You can also visit Dante’s office website at

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