Interview With Amber Siyavus Live At The Big Brother 8 Finale

l_e07c48cf090cdfbe5442f2074132d390.jpgQ. Mark So how’s it going tonight? Is all of this a bit overwhelming?

A. Amber Siyavus: No not really, I don’t get overwhelmed that easy, but I cry very easy.

Q. Mark Did you ever watch Big Brother before you joined the cast of season 8?

A. Amber Siyavus: I watched a few, I did watch seasons five and seven but my sister had watched them all.

Q. Mark: You knew going into this just how big this show really is?

A. Amber Siyavus: Yes absolutely, I knew it was big

Q. Mark So why did you try out for it?

A. Amber Siyavus: I applied after I saw the open casting call on TV and just left it in God’s hands since I was picked out of so many people. My sister was a big influence on why I applied.

Q. Mark Since we are talking about faith, did having Jameka here strengthen your faith?

A. Amber Siyavus: Being here with Jameka definitely helped me. At times I was down, since it’s so overwhelming, and at times so hard. Not to mention the fact I have family at home, mom, a boyfriend, a daughter, and a sister that I talk to 20 times a day. I can’t wait to see my daughter on Monday.

Q. Mark Are you excited to go home?

A. Amber Siyavus: Yes, I can’t wait.

Q. Mark I know we are limited on time, and I will try and follow up with you in a couple of weeks after you get back, have watched the tapes, and see what’s been happening outside the Big Brother house. So after you get home what’s next for you?

A. Amber Siyavus: Being in the Big Brother house hasn’t changed my outlook on what I want to be. I’ve decided that I want to be a nurse. I want to look into community college and go to nursing school. Other than that I also want to be an inspirational speaker since I have gone though so much in my life. I have a lot of words of wisdom that I can give to people and I also want to model.

I’ll follow up with Amber in a few weeks and get her thoughts on life after the house. It didn’t appear she knew too much about the controversy she has caused by being on Big Brother 8, but if Buddy TV is correct, rumor has it she was fired from her job in Vegas for her anti-Semitic remarks.


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One Response to “Interview With Amber Siyavus Live At The Big Brother 8 Finale”

  1. Poor Amber! She still doesn’t get it…

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