Interview With Jessica Hughbanks Live From The Big Brother 8 Finale

images2.jpgI had such a great time last week at the Big Brother 8 finale. We had our own little Realitywanted star sitting in the Big Brother back yard with all the other press outlets and waited one by one to talk with each cast member. One of my favorites was Jessica. I overheard some guests in the green room talking about Jessica and how they felt about her. Most agreed they liked Jessica much more as the show progressed. They felt Jessica came off a little rough at first but many fell in love with her as the show went on. Enough about what I heard, lets move onto the interview.

Q. Mark Is it going to be strange to walk out that backdoor and get back to the real world?

A. Jessica Hughbanks: Not at all, I have missed the real world a lot I am ready to go back.

Q. Mark How many days have you been in lockdown?

A. Jessica Hughbanks: 81 days

Q. Mark: What’s next for you?

A. Jessica Hughbanks: I have one more year of college so I am going to go back to school and finish my degree.

Q. Mark Let’s talk about Eric. I know you have been asked already about 7 times.

A. Jessica Hughbanks: Um, Eric and I have a lot to talk about after tonight’s show, but I really want to give it a try; and if he does too, than I think we can make something work.

Q. Mark Now you told me he is done with school and you have one more year. He lives in NY and you live in KS.

A. Jessica Hughbanks: Yeah,, the long distance thing wouldn’t work forever, but you never know.

Q. Mark We just saw Eric tell you guys how he was America’s Player, what do you think?

A. Jessica Hughbanks: Eric went though so much crap on the show with everyone thinking he was up to something and lying about votes. He played the toughest game anyone has had to play on Big Brother; and there is no way I would have wanted to be in his shoes. He got so much crap in the Big Brother house and the sequester house.

Q. Mark Carol and I have spoken a couple of time since she left the house and doesn’t hide the fact that she is very upset with things that were said about her after she left.

A. Jessica Hughbanks: I think it is what it is. I hadn’t spoken to Carol for like three years before we saw one another on the show. Maybe one day we can become friends maybe not, but that is where we’re at.

Q. Mark Before you take off, talk to me about the outcome, what do you think?

A. Jessica Hughbanks: I voted for Dick. I think he was a much better player than Danielle and much more social. I just liked him more.

Q. Mark Would you do it again?

A. Jessica Hughbanks: I would do it again, I had the best summer of my life.


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2 Responses to “Interview With Jessica Hughbanks Live From The Big Brother 8 Finale”

  1. jessica is a golddigga, she just believes in eric because he a lawyer which made her googly eyed. tipical for women. sorry!

  2. wow Jess is BUTT HURT!

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