Interview with Sarah Hartshorne from Americas Next Top Model

Sarah Hartshorne was the sixth girl eliminated from America’s Next Top Model the other night. Sarah who is a college student originally from Heath, MA and once worked on a Blueberry farm took the time to speak with us and here is what she had to say:
Q. Jason, How did you get involved in […]

Interview with Jean-Robert from CBS’s Survivor China

Q. Mark What originally got you interested in doing Survivor? Did you watch it in the past and go, I can do that!
A. Jean-Robert Survivor China: One of the folks from casting thought I would be good for the show and approached me. At first I thought there was no way I would […]

Interview With Bettina From ABCs The Bachelor

Bettina Bell the 27 year old Realtor from Washington DC who currently resides in Hermosa Beach, CA was cut from The Bachelor on Monday. We caught up with her the other day to discuss her experiences on the show and here’s what she had to say:
Q. Jason, How did you get on the show? […]

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