Interview with Erik Huffman from CBSs Survivor China


I spoke with Erik Huffman the 11th castaway voted off Survivor China and the 5th jury member. Erik talked about the hardest challenges he participated in and his first meal he had when he got home that included “obnoxious cheesecake.”

Q. Mark What originally got you interested in doing Survivor?

A. Erik Huffman, Survivor China: I’m the guy that was asked if I was interested in trying out for the show yet never watched a prior show. After I was approached to try out I watched an episode and it looked pretty cool but I was still very leery. When you watch Survivor as a viewer you’re not sure how real it is, I found out that it is very real.

Q. Mark: Do you think watching and analyzing Survivor prior to going on the show helped with game play? I think Todd mentioned he had watched almost every episode.

A. Erik Huffman, Survivor China: Yes, every season is different but knowing things that are likely to happen will help you in the game. Survivor is like a poker game, a beginner can win, but if you get to know odds and strategy it can help you out.

Q. Mark What was the hardest challenge on Survivor China?

A. Erik Huffman, Survivor China: Any of the challenges in which I was being man handled by James. The mud ball and obstacle course challenges were very hard and exhausting.

Q. Mark I bet, James was a big kid and looked damn strong. It must have been hard to participate in those challenges with James in general but even harder when you’re not sleeping, not eating, and losing weight. Speaking of weight how much did you lose?

A. Erik Huffman, Survivor China: I lost about 30 pounds on the show.

Q. Mark 30 pounds, wow, that’s why your mom made that comment on last night’s episode. You guys must have dreamt of different foods you wanted to eat when you got home. What was the first thing you ate when you got home or left China?

A. Erik Huffman, Survivor China: I’ve been known to be indecisive at times. I like a lot of things when it comes to food. We all talked about food and what we would eat when we got home. I talked about pizza, burgers, and mac and cheese, which is my favorite, so I had a hard time picking what I was going to eat. I think I had a steak dinner and cheese cake and the cheesecake was obnoxious.

Q. Mark How does one make an obnoxious cheese cake?

A. Erik Huffman, Survivor China: I stacked so many things onto the cheesecake. I think I put chocolate syrup and peanut butter on it and I ate until I was sick

Q. Mark Sounds better than the muddy rice shown on last nights show. After watching the episodes on TV what have you learned about other cast t members you were not aware of?

A. Erik Huffman, Survivor China: I feel like I had a fairly good gauge on things going on out there. What I didn’t know was how much power Todd held. Todd is running a lot of things, he is much more of a strategic player than I realized. When he was with Denise on last night’s episode he kept telling her “I trust you, I trust you” and acting very sincerer. I also had no idea how much Denise was going to Todd to talk about things.

Q. Mark Do you think it was a bad idea for Denise to vote you out as opposed to Todd?

A. Erik Huffman, Survivor China: I hoped she would vote to oust Todd over me, I think it would have helped me get further in the game and possibly win. Not only would it have helped me I think it would have helped her. It appears she is being left out but she was too scared to vote for Todd.

Q. Mark Very true, it does look like she may be next after PG is kicked. You guys had family show up on last night’s episode. Your mom showed up to see you, did you all expect that at some point family would be on the show? Did you all discuss this at any point?

A. Erik Huffman, Survivor China: We were all guessing and hoping it would happen. Todd knew much more about Survivor and probably had a better idea that we would see someone from our family at some point during the game.

Q. Mark Todd’s sister showed up and on last night show and gave him some possible bad news. What did you think of Todd’s Johnny Fairplay type news from his sister regarding the miscarriage? I have no idea if that really happened and would feel bad if it did, but many of you all assumed he was pulling a Fairplay.

A. Erik Huffman, Survivor China: It seems to be controversial and I need to be careful how I say this since I have not had a chance to find out if it was true or not. Knowing how strategically Todd was playing the game and how much attention was brought to the topic it made us suspicious. I do want to make it clear that I am truly sorry if it happened but we wondered if this was just a strategic move on Todd’s part.

Q. Mark So it seems the smaller tribe always gets picked off on Survivor. I was hoping to see a new twist in the game since it is getting predicable, do you think they should mix things up in the next season?

Erik Huffman, Survivor China: I guess on one hand it is predictable but if it were 100% that way John-Robert and James would still be here. PG also still in the game and I see what you are saying but unfortunately no matter how many twists are added the people with higher numbers will try and keep higher numbers.

Q. Mark Would you it again?

Erik Huffman, Survivor China: I think I would only do it again if I can be on the show with someone I already know like family or friends.

Q. Mark We really appreciate your time and look forward to seeing you at the finale. Do you have a myspace you can share for fans of Erik and Survivor China?

A. Erik Huffman, Survivor China: Sure my personal myspace page is and you can find my bands page at .

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