Interview with Sara Swartz From Bravos Make Me A SuperModel
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Sara, a Miami college student, was the first model eliminated from Bravos Make Me A Supermodel which airs Thursday nights on the Bravo network. I got the chance to speak with Sara this morning and discussed her experience on the show, who she would vote for this week to stay in the house, and her plans post show.
Q. Mark, What originally got you interested in doing the show, had you done modeling in your past?
A. Sara, Make Me A Supermodel: I started modeling in high school but Tampa Florida isn’t really a big market for modeling. I have been living in Miami going to college, but didn’t sign with agencies there since people have said I have the American commercial look and Miami is great for more ethnic international looks. As far as applying for the show I did run across postings online and started to think about trying out for it. On the day of the open call I decided to go and arrived at 4:29 when casing was supposed to end at 4:30 and here I am.
Q. Mark: How excited were you when you guys were introduced to your judging panel? I know many of you guys were excited to see Tyson Beckford and Niki Taylor.
A. Sara, Make Me A Supermodel: It was an honor to work with the entire panel and of course when they introduced us to Tyson Beckford and Niki Taylor. It was a huge surprise and I was speechless. Everyone on the panel was very down to earth and gave us some great advice. Niki Taylor is the biggest sweetheart and let me tell you, it’s hard not to stare into Tyson’s eyes.
Q. Mark, In your online confessional you said the person you would most want to make out with is Ronnie. We saw that Ronnie had a crush on Ben and it looked like they were just having fun with it on the show.
A. Sara, Make Me A Supermodel: That was an inside joke with Ronnie and Ben since Ben is strait and married. It was funny, one day Tyson asked us all if anyone in the house was hooking up and then said Ronnie….Ben? It was all in good fun and it’s cool to see two opposite people have so much in common. I never expected those two to get along as they did.
Q. Mark, I know you have not watched the episodes yet but you can tell it’s just a fun little deal with those two. I was wondering if it’s hard to be placed in front of the rest of the cast, weighed, measured, and then critiqued by the judges?
A. Sara, Make Me A Supermodel: I have done modeling in the past and the panel on Make Me A Supermodel were not as bad as some of the people I have worked with at other agencies. It’s not embarrassing it’s your job as a model to get critiqued. I think I would have been uncomfortable if I didn’t know the cast.
Q. Mark, Did you have time to bond with anyone else in the house that you hope to stay in touch with after the show?
A. Sara, Make Me A Supermodel: I did have a great time with everyone and have plans to move to New York with Casey and possibly some of the others like Frankie. Katie and I also got along very well.
Q. Mark, Did you see the shock on the rest of your housemates faces when they saw Dominick come walking in from eliminations. Casey for one wasn’t excited to see him. Do you think your housemates were being too hard on him at dinner? Dom did say he wanted to go home.
A. Sara, Make Me A Supermodel: Since I have not watched that episode I can only say that Dominick embraced possibly being sent home while Katie and I were freaking out and I applaud Dominick for this. I understand people in the house might have been offended but again I applaud Dominick for being OK with possibly going home while I was in tears.
Q. Mark, Since you missed last nights show Dominick, Katie, and Ben are up for elimination. I sent a text in for Ben, if you were going to text in a vote right now, who would you vote for?
A. Sara, Make Me A Supermodel: If I could only vote for one person I would vote for Katie since she is my roommate. If I could I would vote for all 3. Katie was my roommate, she is sweetheart, and she stuck by me. I really broke down when we were in the bottom 3 and Katie was there to help prop me up.
Q. Mark, Will you still purse modeling and what’s next for you?
A. Sara, Make Me A Supermodel: Absolutely, this was a great experience and only one of several avenues I will pursue.
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Filed under: Make Me A Supermodel, Interviews
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