The Dick Donato Diaries, An Interview With Evel Dick Winner Of Big Brother Season 8.


Mark, Dick it’s great to have the chance to speak with you today, I know you have had a ton of things going on, can you catch us up on your recent activities?

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: I have had a lot of meetings lately with different producers, directors, and so on. Danielle and I have gone oversees and I just bought her a new car.

Mark, A new car, nice what did you get her?

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: I got Danielle a new red eclipse and gave my old car to my son so they both ended up with new rides.

Mark, Not a bad gift from dad. You guys went to Ireland right?

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: My grandmother is from a small city in Ireland called Kilkenny. We spent sometime there and traveling around Europe. The funny thing overseas is that once you get kicked off Big Brother, even if you’re the first person eliminated, you’re an instant celebrity.

Mark, You’re an instant celebrity?

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: Big Brother is much larger overseas. For example I go out to Dublin Ireland every few years and have had trouble getting into one of their Hollywood type clubs. On our last visit we walked right in as if we were big celebs.

Mark, So even in Ireland people recognize you, what a trip.

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: There were a few people who recognized us, in fact the Minister of Agriculture in Kilkenny came up to do a photo with me. However, Canadian fans are unfucking believable. Canadian Big Brother fans rock, I love those guys. While in Europe we actually ran into a lot of Canadian fans. It’s very surprising how far reaching the show is.

Mark, That’s crazy, I know Big Brother is one of the most syndicated shows oversees but it’s crazy that you had people coming up to you from Canada that were in Europe. What about new projects you’re working on, can you tell us anything that’s coming up?

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: I have had a lot of producers come up to me with concepts, but most have been horrible. I have turned down a lot of shit. There is an idea in the works now, but it’s moving at a snail’s pace and it’s killing me. But fans have not seen the last of Evel Dick.

Mark, What about US fans out on the street, what has that been like?

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: You know, while I was in the house I never thought about what it would be like once I got out. When I did get out, I assumed there would be a few people here and there that would recognize me but I’d never expected the response I’ve received so far. It was close to overwhelming, especially when we originally got out of the house.

I really assumed everyone would hate me. The word dumbfounded comes to mind when I got out the Big Brother house, the positive response was so shocking. I thought once I left the house people would drive by and give me the middle finger. I could not believe the way people received me after what I did on the show. I have had people come up and tell me how much they hated me on the show and then ask to take a picture with me and then we end up having drinks together.

Mark, That’s pretty cool man. So no one is throwing eggs at you or tried to start fights in a bar?

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: Okay, I was in Vegas at the Hard Rock when I walked past some wasted guy on the way to the bathroom.  He said, “I know who you are and your daughter is a crack whore.”  I stopped and said hey man, I must have misheard you so he said it again. I got really pissed off and gave him an open handed slap to the face.  A security guy came over who knows me, and the guy ended up getting tossed out of the bar. I was told he has caused issues in the past.

Mark,  Nice work, he got the Evel Dick pimp slap. If you don’t mind, let’s go back to episode one. Big brother 8 had the unique twist by putting three rivals in the house, one of which was your daughter Danielle. Take us back to that day and what it was like when you found out she was there.

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: Initially I was pissed knowing that I had the most to lose out of any of the other houseguests. As everyone knows I have a big mouth and talk a lot of crap, one wrong move with Danielle and I could have ruined our relationship forever. I basically had to play the game for two people in the very beginning. It was a huge disadvantage to my planned game play.

Mark, Without a doubt it looked that way on day one, not only with you but Joe, Dustin, Carol and Jessica. You by far had the most to lose. Carol and Jessica had issues with one another several years ago and could probably exist without ever talking with one another and the same goes for Joe and Dustin. I think you mentioned something about this one day on one of the live feeds. By the way did you ever watch the live feeds before you were on Big Brother?

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: I know I got the feeds for at least three seasons. I would watch guys outside of the Big Brother house pacing and you could tell the wheels were turning in their heads.  I thought to myself, if I ever get on that show there’s got to be a spot in the backyard that I can go tell people at home what I’m thinking and what’s going on. On day two we were told by Big Brother production not to talk to the cameras. But I ended up talking to the cameras anyway and I I called it the Dick at night show.  I would talk about my strategies and what the houseguests were up to. Everyone loved it. I was outside a lot alone at night.

Mark, Looks like I missed a lot from not staying up late at night to watch the feeds. I did watch the show three days a week and saw all the fun you had with the rest of the cast. Let’s talk about some of the houseguests now, let’s start with Kail.

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: I think Kail is probably a really nice lady outside of the house, but inside the Big Brother house, she was a liar. She is probably a great mom and wife. Danielle and Kail have become closer since the show has ended and she may go to Kails for the premier of Big Brother 9.

Mark, What about Nick, I heard Danielle and Nick broke up awhile ago?

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: I did talk to the Nick quite a bit until Danielle and Nick broke up. I really liked Nick. I still call and send him emails. Nick seemed to have issues with all of the attention we were getting after the show. He’s a very nice kid, but I think the attention weirded him out a little bit.

Mark, Can you give us any examples?

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: We all went shopping one day right before Halloween at a huge costume shop, there were people coming up to us to chat and take pictures. Danielle and I were talking with some fans and when I turned around I saw Nick making his way out to the car. There was another instance when we were all at Disneyland when fans came up asking for photos and autographs. While we were taking some pictures Nick walked away and didn’t seem to want to have any part of it.

Mark,  Sounds like the attention was too much for Nick. I remember meeting him at the Fox Reality Awards show and he seemed a bit discombobulated with all of the attention he was getting.

Mark,  Can we talk about Nick and Danielle’s relationship or lack thereof? From what I’ve read online the relationship ended a couple of months ago. Can you tell me anything about what happened?

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: Last I heard he was planning on moving back to Minnesota. Nick and Danielle broke up at least 20 times. I was really glad they broke up. I don’t think it was a good match for either of them. Danielle basically broke up with her boyfriend on TV and in front of 50 million people. It can be a bit overwhelming for anyone and Danielle had just turned 21.

From what I saw Nick and Danielle just fought all of the time. When Danielle flew to Minnesota, and they both drove back to LA I heard they fought constantly. Nick didn’t know anyone in LA, and when he moved here he relied on Danielle for everything. At the same time Danielle was running around trying to get her life organized and get ready to travel with me oversees.

Mark, What about Danielle’s ex-boyfriend Chris? Viewers had a chance to see Chris on television and I’m sure Chris watched Danielle basically break up with him on national TV.  Did you know, Chris?

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: I really didn’t know Chris. Remember I had not spoken with Danielle in over two years.  As far as I know Danielle and Chris are still friends. Since we’re on the topic of Nick and Danielle, I recently heard Jen has been all over Nick ever since she heard Danielle and Nick broke up. It’s so crazy to think Jen would go after Nick after Nick basically told Jen to fuck off. Every single thing Jen does is about Jen getting attention. When I was giving her shit during the show she loved it whether it was me tearing into her or just talking. Jen wants constant attention.

Mark, How about we skip talking about her and give her as little attention as possible. What about Joe, do you ever talk to Joe?

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: Joe and I did talk once or twice once we were released from the Big Brother house. I really like Joe, I think he is a very nice guy and I don’t think CBS was very happy that one of the biggest personalities was eliminated so quickly.

Mark, What about Jameka, you really tore into her at times.

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: I like Jameka, I don’t have any problems with her. At the end of the show when it was down to the final four we all decided to do something to remember the season by, so we painted on some plates. I painted one thing to represent each person for example, I drew a tear for Amber, a piano key for Zach, I wrote me me me for Jen and drew a magic ping-pong ball for Jameka.

Mark, The piano keys, damn I forgot about that. I was rolling on the floor when you said that. What about Zach, what do you think of him now that the show is over?

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: Zach is a goofball, I would never hang out with Zach. Zach has also been talking a lot of crap since the show ended. He even tried to sell Danielle’s gloves that she wore on the show on eBay, but the funny thing is I have the gloves right here. Zach also posted a blog on his Myspace not too long ago talking crap. My son printed up the blog he wrote so I could read it and I posted a message online about how Zach was such a liar. The next day Zach posted a message on his Myspace telling everyone that it had been hacked and someone posted that story. Zach also posted a message telling everyone that Danielle and I were not invited to go on the reality Big Brother boat cruise. I get so many messages on my Myspace it’s hard to get through them all, but I found the original cruise invitation and posted it online along with Zach’s quotes telling everyone that Danielle and I were not invited. He is a big shit talker.

Mark, So I see you two are still very close. Let’s talk about Eric for a minute.  I interviewed Eric about a month or two ago and Eric commented about how you had such advantage with Danielle in the house. What are your thoughts on that comment?

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8: Every single one of those mother fuckers were whining and crying when they got the boot saying that if my dad were here I would also be going to the finals. They had no idea how much animosity Danielle had against me when I first walked in the house. It was not an advantage and completely fucked my game. Let’s put it this way, Eric and Jessica and Jameka and Amber had the same so called advantage Danielle and I had, it’s two votes that’s all.

Danielle and I dominated the competitions. Danielle won more competitions than I did but I won some of the very pivotal ones. When we needed to win we did, what some people forget is that fact that Danielle and I were on the block together on three different occasions. It’s funny how Zach spread all over the web the fact that he beat me in that final challenge when we had to stand on the wood blocks with freezing water sprayed all over us. What I don’t think Zach understands is the amount of respect that challenge gave me in the eyes of the public. So many people tell me they were in tears watching that challenge and the physical punishment I took for my daughter.

Mark, That challenge looked pretty damn brutal. I also watched that challenge and was rooting you on the entire time. We all saw the toll it took on your body but you fought to stay in there as long as you could. I don’t think you could have scripted a better scenario.

Mark, Let’s go back to Eric and the whole Americas Player deal.

Evel Dick, Big Brother 8:  Here is the deal, I had a huge disadvantage by having Danielle in the house with me. However Eric had a tremendous advantage being America’s player. America told Eric who to vote for and Eric had outside information on how the game was being perceived and who America liked and disliked, Eric should have used this information to his advantage. Eric knew how America was voting, so he should’ve aligned with the people that America was backing. Eric likes to argue every side to a point which is why I called him a Philadelphia lawyer.

I thought things were great with Eric and I when we left the house. His attitude outside of the house really tripped me out though, especially when he started talking about egos, if anyone is having an issue with ego its Eric. There are tons of people who say they were the best player in past seasons, but were evicted first second or third. It takes more than just thinking you’re the best player to be the best player. I’m not saying I was the best and I’m not saying Danielle was the best, but we were one of the best teams to play the game. No one else did what we did. We landed in the first and second position in the finals. There has been blood in the house together in past season, but they had it weirder than we did, if that’s possible.

Comeback Sunday for the second half of the Evel Dick diaries…..

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