It’s Not Too Late To Be A Halo 3 Beta Tester

Looks like the first phase of Halo 3 Beta testers have been selected and registration is now closed. However, the official Halo website has instructions on how to jump in on Phase two beta test selection. In a nut shell, you must play at least three (easily done) hours of Halo 2 multilayer between Feb 1 […]

Cant Lose: Sundays big game means big bucks for Bears and Colts alike

By B.R Uzun
Everyone knows that football heroes like Tom Brady and Peyton Manning make a fortune through lucrative salaries and endorsement contracts. But how does the Superbowl treat the bank accounts of the nameless majority of players that achieve their lifes goal in relative anonymity behind muddy facemasks every year?

According to the official site a […]

An Interview By Lin Sbordone
Watching the fourth episode of The Apprentice: LA, foreshadowing didn’t fare well for Marisa and sure enough, she was the fourth of 18 candidates to hear Trump’s now infamous words, “You’re fired.”  She now takes the time to share with readers her unique perspective on the show, herself, success, and plans […]

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