Interview with Tessa from NBC’s “Age of Love”

0000040540_20070618105905.jpgJASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): How did you get involved in the show?
Tessa: I was approached by my agent. They had seen my profile online and thought I might be interested.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): What did you think about the age difference?
Tessa: I like older guys. The first week we were there we really did not know much about the show or about the other 40 year olds but our group was ok with dating older men.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): After one episode did you have feelings for Mark?
Tessa: I spoke with him for about 5 minutes and then there was an elimination round. We (20 year olds) were pretty upset because we really did not have any time to get to know him and it seemed like the 40 year olds had the advantage. Mark and I have a lot in common, later we got to talk about our dogs and things we like to do. The show conveyed things a little different but he is really a great guy but I didn’t feel the connection with him.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): What did you think about the other girls? Were they easy to get along with? Was there friction between the girls?
Tessa: I don’t usually get along with many women because I don’t like all the gossip and my life is pretty fast paced. I felt bad for being mean on the show but liked a lot of the 40’s girls. Kelly was nice, Jen and I had a lot in common, Maria, I have a lot of respect for, she listens and takes it all in before making a decision. Jayanna was nice to your face but trashes you behind your back. The 20 year olds are all amazing beautiful girls and I plan to stay in contact with them. NBC obviously picked these girls for a reason, they are articulate and mature and I feel very fortunate to be a part of it.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): Would you do anything different on the show if you could do it again?
Tessa: I would have had a more in depth conversation with Mark. The 40 year olds were given the upper hand because they had more time with him. So he obviously bonded more towards them. It took me a little bit to grasp the whole concept so I think if I had to do it over I would have cut out all of the small talk and would have opened up more.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): What’s next for you? Are you going back to your job?
Tessa: I am interested in doing more TV. I am happy in AZ and don’t have any plans to move to LA but I am open to new opportunities. Though I don’t think I would do reality again, maybe sitcoms, soaps etc.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): Do you watch much Reality TV?
Tessa: I don’t watch much but I like American Idol and America’s Got Talent…I love Sharon Osborne.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): Why did you bring up Amanda on the date with Mark?
Tessa: I was trying to explain to him that having a connection is very important. He did not understand what I was trying to convey. I did not feel he was in to me, so I thought I would bring up Amanda as an example.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): How did it feel to be in the lead during the race and then fall back?
Tessa: I was upset. I am very competitive and during the race Amanda’s pedals were not working very well so I ended up doing most of the cycling and I think that took a toll on me. I tried to walk it off but ended up rolling my ankle twice and at that point I was not able to continue in the lead.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): How about some dating tips for our readers?
Tessa: Don’t fool yourself into having a connection with someone if there isn’t one. There is that one person out there for you so make sure you have that connection.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): Is there anything else you want to add?
Tessa: I never said I was young and hot! They were 3 clips that ended up getting put together. I have a lot more to offer and I look forward to finding that connection. Also I wasn’t thrilled about meeting Mark in my bikini, there is a lot more substance to me but it wasn’t portrayed.

Age Of Love

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