Did Dave Have a Crush On Ashely? Interview with Ashley Massaro from CBS’s Survivor China
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Q. Mark RealityWanted.com: What got you interested in doing Survivor?
A. Ashley Massaro: When I saw the show for the first time I said I can do that and I thought I would be good at it. The WWE was a little hesitant in letting me leave but after a little bit of talking they let me go to China.
Q. Mark : Had you watched many of the prior seasons and if so does any former cast member stick out in your mind?
A. Ashley Massaro: I did watch the first season and I think I watched Perl Islands, was that the one Johnny Fairplay was on? I remember him.
Q. Mark RealityWanted.com: You’re obviously in shape. Do you find that the better shape and better diet you have makes it harder to make it on Survivor?
A. Ashley Massaro: There might be a correlation there. I thought being in shape would help me since I am fit and I don’t eat a ton. However, after I got there I lost a ton of muscle. I lost about 18 pounds and I watched Eric lose muscle mass and start to wither away as well.
Q. Mark RealityWanted.com: What was it like to live out there with limited food and shelter, could you even sleep?
A. Ashley Massaro: The rain never stopped and we were freezing all night.
Q. Mark RealityWanted.com: Did you find out anything from watching last night’s show about yourself or your tribe mates?
A. Ashley Massaro: I guess what I learned is not to trust a male model.
Mark RealityWanted.com: Don’t you mean a “former male model”?
A. Ashley: Oh yeah, don’t trust a “former male model”. I did strike up great relationships with people like Jamie, Sherea, and Eric; but much of that wasn’t shown on air. I don’t blame them for voting me out since they had a very tough choice. I felt bad at the position they were put in; but Dave is quickly burying himself.
Q. Mark RealityWanted.com: Of course you and Dave had issues. Why do you think he singled you out so much? I started thinking that he may have had a crush on you.
A. Ashley Massaro: I don’t know why I was the one that he ended up clashing with. It might be the fact that I am very outspoken. When I see an issue or problem, I want to get it fixed. We needed several things done. We had not eaten, we hadn’t slept, we had not won a challenge, and we didn’t have a solid shelter. Everything was wet. Funny that you ask if Dave may have had a crush on me, I thought for a second maybe this was his odd way of flirting.
Q. Mark RealityWanted.com: At Tribal Council Dave tried to play the martyr, why do you think your tribe kept him when they clearly seemed frustrated with how he talks down to everyone?
A. Ashley Massaro: I could see through him and I knew it was game play and his strategy. I know this is also just his personality. Dave wants to make himself look good and talk in circles without ever giving a clear answer. When confronted he back peddles. It just sucks that I am not there anymore. My team had a hard decision to make.
Q. Mark RealityWanted.com: How brutal was the reward challenge? Clothes were being pulled off, people were face down in the mud, were you at home in this wrestling type environment?
A. Ashley Massaro: At first they said it would be a wresting type event, but in the WWE we don’t wrestle in the mud in our underwear or try and pull off clothes. At one point Samantha was cheering with her top pulled down and Jean-Robert had to yell to her “pull up your shirt”. I liked the challenge, it was fun. Prior to the challenge some of my tribe told me they were very tired and worried about taking part since they were so weak. I told them this chall I was impressed with my tribe but you can’t understand how hard it was, there were no rules, at one point Jean-Robert tried to drown me.
Q. Mark RealityWanted.com: Speaking of wrestling maybe you and Dave can meet in the wrestling ring to settle the score on your terms?
A. Ashley Massaro: Oh, my gosh, you know that I thought of that this morning, I think it would be great.
Q. Mark RealityWanted.com: What did you learn/walk away with after this experience?
A. Ashley Massaro: One of factors that I didn’t take into consideration was what the lack of food, water, and sleep can do to everyone’s personalities. I think that was the case with Dave and Peih-Gee, they got irritated and their personalities changed. Well, Peih-Gee may have been irritated that I voted to kick her.
Q. Mark RealityWanted.com: Are you glad you did the show?
A. Ashley Massaro: I sure am but I am definitely glad to get back to the WWE.
Q. Mark RealityWanted.com: Can fans find you on myspace and if so what is the url?
A. Ashley Massaro:
Q. Mark RealityWanted.com: Any final words for fans?
A. Ashley Massaro: I’ll be seeing you all soon when I am back in the ring.
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Filed under: Survivor China, Interviews
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