Biggest Loser 4 – Episode #6, “Farewell Phil”

images.jpgRed Team gave Captain Phil the boot this week, but it wasn’t just his teammates’ making the call. Two votes for Amy and two votes for Phil put the final vote into the hands of the winning team at the scales this week, the Blue Team. Blue’s decision came down to the “biggest threat,” which was the ex-football player from Ohio who lost 61-pounds in his six-weeks at the Biggest Loser Campus.

I truly thought Amy was finally going home. During elimination discussions, Red Team Trainer Kim Lyons suggested Bryan and Phil should stay since they are pulling the biggest numbers on the scale. Kim, in one-sentence, single-handedly, singled out Amy for the vote-off. David won immunity since he lost five pounds, the most of any of his team members. Amy clamored on to Kim about feeling like she threw her “under the bus.”
It will be interesting to see the dynamic between the two next week. It’s not as if Amy hasn’t had attitude in the past, or Kim for that matter. Kim is beginning to seem quite childish to me. Yes, you are a trainer, and yes you need to push people in the gym to attain their goals. But sweetie, chill out. I like to use the “F” bomb as much as the next person, but you behave like a four-year-old when anyone challenges you. It’s called lack of respect. And respect, my dear, must be earned. Kim, you’re on television for crying out loud. Remember, millions of people are watching you! Take your own advice and I quote, “you sometimes have to face the facts and it’s not always what you want to hear.”
On a sad note, Black Team Member Hollie got word her mother, suffering from Leukemia, had a relapse and was not well. Hollie left the BL Campus the night before weigh-in to be by her mother’s side. Host Allison Sweeney sadly announced Hollie’s mother had died. She absolutely made the right decision to leave and spend the last moments she could with her mom. My thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family at this time of grief. Good news however, Hollie’s strength will push her to victory. I believe she is back for next week’s episode. I thought I saw her in the previews. Good for her! I’m sure it’s what her mother would have wanted, to succeed in this battle against the bulge!
Honestly, I missed the very first part of the challenge. I actually went to a private screening room to see “Sleuth.” Quite good really. Dialogue fantastic, and I also have a jones for Brits, well, one in particular and it’s neither Michael Caine nor Jude Law. Both, however are tasty alternatives, but I’ve got the best of the Brits in my beau! Excuse me, back to the matter at hand. The movie ran a bit longer than expected, so this my friends is why I missed the first few minutes of the challenge. Phil and Bill, not sure who from Blue (that all rhymes, funny!) carrying weights. I’m assuming it’s the total amount of weight they want to lose? Not sure.
Anyway, Phil won the challenge, allowing the Red Team to sit among comfy pillows and watch short video snippets from home. Anyone paying close attention would have thought Phil could be on the chopping block this week, since one of the other team members said it’s not the Red Team winning all the challenges, “it’s Phil winning the challenges for the Red Team.”
Blue Team lost 31 pounds or 2.74% this week, with Neil and Ryan pulling double digits on the scale. Black came in second, with a total loss of 30 pounds, 2.36% and Red, at the bottom with at 16 pound loss, 1.28% Phil told Blue he was honored they found him a threat, looked around the room and said, “Keep pluggin’ away, stay strong and I love ya’ll.” And, the latest Biggest Loser Contestant to go home, who aspires to be a firefighter, has lost a total of 108 pounds to date, from 403 to 295. Way to go Phil. He hopes to be at 250 come the finale in December.
Next week:
WEIGH-IN SHOCKER — The stakes are higher than ever when host Alison Sweeney introduces the contestants to a unique version of poker, with the winner getting a prize that will completely change the competition for all of the players. Then the game is really on when one contestant shocks everyone when their weight is revealed at the weigh-in, and a dramatic elimination round follows.

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