Biggest Loser 4 - Episode #8, “Going ‘Green’ Gets Ryan Gone!”

images.jpgThat’s right Blue Team fans, another one gone, another one gone, another one bites the dust. I wouldn’t be surprised if fellow Blue Team Member Neil is whistling Freddie Mercury’s famous tune across the Biggest Loser Campus about now. He’s a GAME player my friends. You’ve gotta hand it to him. Votes off his best friend, who’s gone through “everything” with him, like a pro! He can manipulate with the best of them (“I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman” – Clinton fans will understand!).

Speaking of the Clinton Administration, I was waiting for Former Vice-President Al Gore to saunter in during the weigh-in to thank the contestants this week for doing THEIR part in saving our planet. But, the “inconvenient truth” is, he was busy making a guest appearance on NBC’s ’30 Rock’ (if you paid attention to the sweeps promo spots!). The teams blended colors this week, for a dark green hue in honor of “Green Week.”Instead of weight loss and exercise tips from our trusty trainers introducing commercial breaks, we learned how plastic bags kill millions of sea creatures each year, so carry a canvas tote to the grocery. And, how turning down your thermostat, or unplugging your computer equipment can save much needed energy in our planet’s time of crisis. If I weren’t jaded and cynical from working in our television world and knowing about November sweeps and ratings boosts, I would almost dare to say BL producers did a good, responsible thing this week for the world.

The show started with a large pizza and 32 ounce cola sitting on a table, in front of the now green shirted contestants. Whoever came closest to guessing the amount of calories in the greasy, sugar and carb filled treat got to choose their partner for challenges and weigh-ins. Trios are out, duos are in! Blue Nicole guessed the unhealthy meal at 3,240 calories - just 13 off from the actual 3,253. Here’s the scary part, which most fat people will recognize, THAT could have easily been consumed in one sitting for most of those contestants prior to their weight loss journey on The Biggest Loser.

Nicole picked Neil as her partner. The new duo picked Blue Ryan and Black Isabeau as teammates (this is where a tree chart would come in handy!), that duo paired up Black Julie and Bill, those two then chose Black Hollie and Red Bryan as partners, which left Blue Kae to contend with once Red, now Black Amy to compete in challenges and weigh-in together. Did that make sense? See, told you I needed the tree chart! Kae was not a happy camper! The woman, who squawked at getting Kae kicked off last week, is now her strongest ally. Not happy.

Kae felt targeted to go home. She’s a machine pulling big, consistent numbers on the scale. Blue Team Trainer Bob, in all his love, understanding and glory about the meaning of life and our place in the world, told her to embrace the big, fat X on her back. He then took some black, duct tape and labeled her as such! But, DID make it a point to pimp up recycling, since the “X” marks the spot now crossed out the recycling symbol on the back of her shirt. Have I ever mentioned how much I love that man?

“Going Green” this week, also meant shutting off the treadmills, elliptical machines and anything else powered with a plug! Black Bill, in a less than enthusiastic, but very funny tone says, “Back to the desert.” But, actually, Jillian pulled her team right into the gym, doing every kind of fitness maneuver, without machinery! She’s a rock-star, plain and simple. Anytime anyone would start to moan or groan, “Shut UP!” I loved it. Isabeau credited Kermit the Frog with his popular line, “It’s not easy being green.”

Product placement this week, Jennie-O ground turkey. Bob loves it, I must say, so do I. Especially browned, like almost charred, with red and green peppers and onions! Fantastic! And an easy treat. Follow up that treat with a little Wrigley’s EXTRA gum and you’ve got yourself a cherry on top! Away from the sarcasm, on to the challenge. In line with “Going Green,” the new duos got to scoop up all the soda cans consumed by the group so far in their lifetime – 148-thousand cans or two-point-six tons! That’s a lot of carbonation! That could hurt somebody!

The teams had to shovel as many cans into their green bags as possible, run 100-yards to an inclined ramp, then dump their stash into a recycling bin on the other side. The duo with the most weight of cans each get a 2008 Ford Escape Hybrid SUV – mint green of course! This prize was especially important to Julie, who gave up her car years ago to become a full-time mom. She and her husband couldn’t afford both. This challenge seemed to be the toughest by far, so far. Julie’s passion for the prize, and Bill’s desire to help her get mobile in life again, pushed them to unload the winning 98.4 pounds of cans into the recycling bin!

The grueling challenge and a harsh last chance work out showed on the scales for all the contestants this week. Red Team Trainer Amy pushed Brian to the max, after a scolding about him not eating enough and how he’s her last hope to stay in the game, since he’s the only Red shirt left. It worked. He pulled double digits with 11 pounds down this week. There are 10 people left, after nine weeks on the ranch. So, to highlight the incredible losses, I’m relaying the contestants’ starting weight, last week’s weight and this week’s weight, grouping the new teams and ending with the duos total percentage lost this week (Tree chart anyone? Anyone? Bueller?):

Kae: 225/168/163 and Amy: 297/254/245 – combined loss of 14 pounds at 3.32%

Hollie: 255/218/212 and Bryan: 346/289/278 – combined loss of 17 at 3.35%

Nicole: 279/235/229 and Neil: 421/339/321 – combined loss of 24 pounds at 4.18%(Neil hit the 100 pound mark this week making him the 5th person to lose that much weight on campus in BL history)

Isabeau: 298/255/246 and Ryan: 374/308/302 – combined loss of 15 pounds at 2.66%

Bill: 334/251/242 and Julie: 218/186/180 – combined loss of 15 pounds at 3.43%

First to weigh-in, Kae and Amy, sweat most of the scale segment as each duo, who weighed after them, pushed them closer and closer to the yellow line. But as you can see, although they pulled good numbers this week, Ryan and Isabeau fell below the yellow line. The elimination was actually in Isabeau’s favor since each duo had one Black Team member on-board. It still didn’t squelch her “trust” issues with everyone on campus. Surprisingly, the one duo with two Blue Team members cast the final vote to push off one of their own, Ryan.

The 29-year-old corporate attorney, father and husband said he’s leaving the BL Campus a better man with “a little more fight, a little less fear.” Reunited with his beautiful wife and daughter 24-hours after the Blue Team betrayal, Ryan promised it wasn’t finished and stuck to his word. He has lost 109 pounds to date. He also says people will be “jealous” at the finale! These two hour shows just about kill me! I am now starting to ramble, it’s close to midnight and I must retire for much needed beauty sleep.

But first, NEXT WEEK:

A TASTE OF HOME — For the first time ever this season, the players start competing as individuals rather than teams. A tantalizing temptation has the contestants overcome by the power of donuts and one player finds a valuable prize, but was it worth risking their diet for? Then a 24-Hour Fitness triathlon challenge allows a contestant to go home for 24 hours and surprise their loved ones but as always there’s a twist


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