Interview with Crowned’s Ada and Christan


Ada and Christan were the 7th group eliminated on the CW’s Crowned: The Mother of All Pageants on Wednesday. The girls otherwise known as “Hot and Not” spoke with RealityWanted and here’s what they had to say:
Jason, ( So how did you end up getting cast for the show?

Ada & Christan: I have been doing pageants all of my life so we thought this would be a great experience for the both of us. The casting director working on the show loved us so decided it would be a great to spend one on one time with eachother.Jason, ( Do you think the judging was fair?

Ada, (Crowned): I was really nervous when we stepped out on the stage but we always tried to do what we thought they wanted to see. Overall I loved the judges and Cynthia Garrett was such a doll.

Christan, (Crowned): I think it was weird that Shanna was judging a show and critiquing us when she really doesn’t have the perfect background. Carson always made funny remarks.

Jason, ( How was it living with the other girls?

Ada and Christan, (Crowned): Our room was like a small closet. There were 8 of us sharing a bathroom so it did take a long time to get ready and be organized.

Jason, ( Were there any duos that you liked/disliked?

Ada, (Crowned): We met some lifelong friends. Brenda and Heather were great and they were fun to be around.

Christan, (Crowned): I didn’t really get along with some of the girls in the beginning but I gave everyone a chance and we are all friends now.

Jason, ( If you could do it all over would you do anything different?

Ada and Christan, (Crowned): I think we would have been more prepared for the talent portion. Though I think we represented Texas well.

Jason, ( So who do you want to win the pageant?

Ada and Christan, (Crowned): I think Gina and Hollis deserve it, they are such sweet people.

Jason, ( What was your favorite moment on the show?

Ada, (Crowned): Quality time with Christan I would have to say. We both learned a lot about eachother and ourselves and actually we realized that we are a lot alike. I also learned how to accessorize more.

Christan, (Crowned): I think the whole experience was great and spending time with my Mom has made us even closer now. Also in Episode 3 when we won the gowns.

Jason, ( What was your worst experience on the show?

Ada, (Crowned): I think the showdown between Angela and Gina. We were there and it was really uncomfortable being there. I just felt bad for both sides.

Christan (Crowned): The part that was the worst for me was being in the theatre and having to present ourselves. There was so much anxiety and waiting.

Jason, ( So what are your future plans?

Ada, (Crowned): If someone like Chelsea Handler wants to interview us I am up for it, otherwise just doing the mommy stuff.

Christan, (Crowned): I moved to Los Angeles now so I am getting into acting and modeling again. I am also starting back in school for computer graphics.

Jason, ( Do you have a Myspace set up or a way for the fans to contact you?

Christan, (Crowned): Yes they can find me at


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