Bloggers Needed!

What is We are a group of freelance bloggers/writers who enjoy Reality TV. If you enjoy what we just listed, know how to write, and need a creative outlet, contact us today. If you have a Reality blog and would like to cross post your stories here contact us and we can set up a publisher account for you.

What would I do? You would pick a weekly television show, watch a movie, play with a new gadget, write a recap, add some flavor to it, and post it on our site. You can add one story or add them weekly, monthly, whatever.

What shows areas do you need people for?: We are looking for people to cover shows like: Survivor, Amazing Race, and tons more.
Do I get paid? Not by us :) , the site is run FREE. You will get some great experience and in many cases interviews or meet with the folks on the shows your writing about.

What do I do now?: Hit the contact us TAB and email us.

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