CoolPlayer 9 for WordPress

Download | Installation | Usage

CoolPlayer 9 for WordPress allows you to play multimedia files in your blog.

The insert media not only support IE or windows browsers, but also support Firefox, Opera or other Linux/Unix browsers.

You can insert several mediae at one time and switch them to play with out reloading the page. it give you a download url following the media window. you can enter a media url to play when you double click the download bar. You can also hide this download bar to use download attribute in the coolplayer tag.

This version supports those types of files: rm, rmvb, ra, rv, ram, smil, smi, rtsp, rpm, asf, wm, wma, wmv, wax, wvx, ogg, ape, avi, mid, midi, wav, mms, m3u, asx, mov, qt, mqv, m4v, m4a, m4b, mpeg, mpg, m1s, m1v, m1a, m75, m15, mp2, mpm, mpv, mpa, flc, fli, cel, aiff, aif, aifc, cdda, bwf, rts, 3gp, 3gpp, 3g2, 3gp2, au, snd, ulw, smf, kar, qcp, sdv, gsm, amr, caf, amc, mp4, sdp, pdf, fdf, xfdf, xdp, xfd, gif, jpg, jpeg, bmp, png, xpm, dir, dxr, dcr, cst, cct, cxt, w3d, fgd, swa, swf, spl, mp3, flv, rtmp, rbs, xml, rss, xspf, atom.

This version also supports , Ifilm, VSocial, TuDou Video, Evil Chili, Wildko, Yikers Videos & Games, Red Balcony Videos & Games, Live Video, Odeo Audio, Revver, MetaCafe, , GoEar, Break, Stupid Videos, DailyMotion and .

This version is different from any previous version. This version supports Rich Text Editor, and adds the CoolPlayer button to the Text Editor & Rich Text Editor, it works well on WordPress 2.0 & 2.1+.

This version adds CoolPlayer options page. You can change any default options values on this page, and you can also change the CoolPlayer RPC Server URL, test validity of it and get the RPC Server version directly on this page.

More changes (Chinese) »


CoolPlayer 9.2 for WordPress

CoolPlayer RPC Server


1. Download and extract it to the wordpress plugins directory (wp-content/plugins), and then activate it in administrator's interface.

2. If you want to install the RPC Server in your website, you should check your web server supports php mbstring & sockets extension and can connect the other web site directly first. Then you can download a separate RPC Server and unzip it into the wordpress plugins directory (wp-content/plugins). And then change the default RPC Server to your RPC Server on the CoolPlayer options page in administrator's interface. You can test validity of your RPC Server and get the RPC Server version directly on this page, too.


You can use the CoolPlayer Button to insert any multimedia in the Text Editor & Rich Text Editor. And you can also use the coolplayer tag directly in your post.

For Example:


Sundance Diary8

[coolplayer width="420" height="360" autoplay="true" loop="true" download="hide"]

[coolplayer width="640" height="480"]
Bugs bunny cartoon on family guy
Funny as hell

[coolplayer width="640" height="480" charset="GBK" autoplay="false" loop="true" download="show"]舞女的纯情-夜来香.wmv