Interview with Mary from NBCs Age of Love

nup_106687_0660.jpgJASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): How did you get involved in the show?
MARY: They contacted me. I had interviewed before and must have been in their database. They told me they were casting for a Bachelor type show, so I thought lets go have fun and see what happens.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): What did you think about the age difference?
MARY: I really wasn’t worried too much. I prefer older men typically between 28-34. They are usually more mature and know what they want.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): After one episode did you have feelings for Mark?
MARY: I never really got to spend that much time with him so I never really developed a connection.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): What did you think about the other girls? Were they easy to get along with? Was there friction between the girls?
MARY: The girls in their 20’s were fabulous! The 40’s…..that was an experience, though I was close with Kelly and Maria from that group. I am not really a competitive type of girl so I really could not get mad at them during the competition. During the show however you really spend a lot of time with the other girls, so I was able to bond with some of them and plan on staying in touch with them.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): Would you do anything different on the show if you could do it again?
MARY: I really did not think I should have been there during the show. I felt really out of place and wanted to go home. I lead a busy life and need to be stimulated and put in a box really got to me. I think if I had to do it over again I would have been more like Marie…I would probably be more aggressive and express myself more. I must say that I am glad I had the experience to be on the show. The girls I met were absolutely wonderful but would I do it again…probably not…

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): What’s next for you? Are you going back to your job?
MARY: Well I am pursuing the dream! I am getting into the commercial acting and modeling industry. I just got an agent so I am planning on staying in LA for awhile. I am excited about the new changes and I am looking forward to a new career.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): Do you watch much Reality TV?
MARY: Don’t watch much, but I do like Dr 90210.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): How did you feel after your confrontation with Jayanna?

MARY: In the kitchen I was the only one that was vocal. We were all tired and hungry so personalities were going to collide. Megan and Amanda were saying stuff too and Jayanna told Kelly to shut up…a lot was going on. Also I hate confrontation so I just decided to leave the room and not argue.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): What’s up with all of the crying?
MARY: For a couple of days I was really upset. I am a very sensitive person and I was upset that I signed up for this and there wasn’t really a way out of it. I was miserable except for meeting the girls. Also editing plays a big role with any reality show.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): How about some dating tips for our readers?
MARY: Well I am currently dating someone. We get along great. My advice would be not to force something that isn’t supposed to work. Dating is supposed to be fun, so if it isn’t working out get out and try something new.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): How did you feel when Maria decided to stay after she said she was leaving multiple times?
MARY: I love her and I expected it. She had done it once before so I thought she would probably do it again. I was ready to go and I had requested to be let go anyway.

JASON (REALITYWANTED.COM): Is there anything else you want to add?
MARY: I do not think everybody knows we were joking around about the 40 year olds. We had not met them when we were saying things about them and after we met them we stopped joking around like that.


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