Interview with Sheree, eliminated beauty from Beauty & the Geek 3

Sheree was one of the 3 dark haired beauties who wasn’t well received by the other ladies at times.  This 25 year old Florida resident definitely didn’t come off as intellectually challenged.  Therefore, she stood out for better reasons than simply being one of the “brunettes”. 

J:  Hi Sheree, thank you for talking with me today.
S: Thank you for having me.
J:  What made you want to be a part of the show?
S:  I live down by Miami and I go to auditions for all kinds of things from commercials to pilots.  I went to this audition and they had me send more tapes in.  Then I never heard from them…that was for season 2.  For season 3, the same casting people called and said they would be in Miami and that they liked me last year but I didn’t fit for that cast.  It made me feel good that they called so I definitely went.
J:  What was up with your title “former Hooters girl”?  Was that the only “intelligence discredit” that was found to label you?
S:  I am sure it was a way to discredit my intelligence.  But they asked me before they did it (if they could put “Hooters waitress).  I said “No, because I am not a Hooters waitress, but you can put “former Hooters waitress”.  The thing is that I actually appreciate Hooters.  I thought it was one step up from a strip club.  The location in Orlando was a great location.  From the management, staff, cooks and clientele; everybody was awesome.  I made good money through college.  It was a good job at the time.
J:  It appeared that you and Andrea were the only two beauties with your game faces on and who were not portrayed as ditzy dumb girls.
S:  That’s the one thing that I learned.  Although we had our game faces on, we would have been better off being undercover and acting like ditzes.
J:  Do you think the blondes are truly ditzy or just playing the game?
S:  When we first met in a legal meeting, all of the girls had intelligent questions to ask.  At that moment I was surprised thinking that the show would be made up of unintelligent girls.  But as I watch the show, I thought Cecille was really smart…but she is saying these silly things on her challenges.  I am thinking now that I gave her too much credit.
J:  The scene of you and Piao bickering at the end of the show was hilarious.  Did that represent your relationship as teammates?
S:  You have no idea.  Yes, yes, yes.  If I would have gone to school with Piao, I would have been like, “oh he is such a funny little guy and that would have been that”.  But because of the situation, I needed determination and discipline - and leave the jokes at the door.  He started getting on my nerves and he wouldn’t listen to me when I would try to help him with social skills, comedy routine or thinking outside of the box with certain situations.  We started clashing a little bit.
One night he did a funny thing.  We all had been watching the movie but I was tired so I went to bed one night.  He came in later and asked me questions and I told him I was sleeping.  He left the room and accidentally pulls the door shut behind him.  The floors are tile and the house is antique, so the door didn’t work like typical doors.  The door locked behind him and he thinks I locked him out.  The next morning someone told me I was wrong for locking him out and that Piao told them that we had a lover’s quarrel.  There was always something.
Teammates, Sheree and Piao

 J:  Are you and Piao cordial or still in contact?
S:  I think Piao thinks that I hate him but I really don’t.  It’s done and there is nothing that I can do about it.  I am disappointed that he didn’t try harder and won’t admit it.  But at the end of the day I do like Piao.  I think we went through an opportunity together with a bunch of other great people and it’s a memory that we will always share. 
J:  Was the blonde vs. brunette battle overrated or real?
S:  It was real.  It wasn’t really blonde vs. brunette, although that was the easiest way to put it.  It was just that it came down to Andrea was very outspoken.  Cecille and Nate won challenges and people wanted to be nice to Cecille so she wouldn’t put them up for elimination.  But Cecille’s thinking was a little different than a lot of the girls.  It was like, Gucci, Prada, money, money, boys, boys, naked, naked.  So that became the aura of the girls.  Andrea was like, I don’t care what show I am on; I am not going to act like I am interested in what you are saying because I am not.  With me being with Andrea, I asked her to chill out.  Andrea did try to hang out with them a little bit, but they didn’t give her the benefit of anything.  Then my little guilt of association, I caught the wrath.  So I went up for elimination.  You’re in this house, you’re cut off from the inside world.  No music, radio, TV, phone, Internet.  You get very immersed in your world.
J:  A lot of the girls seemed to forget it’s a game and that the goal is to win money.  Nadia was freaking out on whether to put you and Andrea or her blonde buddies up for elimination.  Obviously she experienced peer pressure and put the brunettes up.
S:  I was mad.  They didn’t show me talking to Nadia.  I told her that I knew she was a good girl with a good heart.  She’s not someone who’s caught up on money, she’s only had a couple boyfriends and she’s really a sweet girl.  I told her that I knew she was kind of caught up but she was someone I would be comfortable being with in the house.  I wanted her to know that I didn’t put her up for a reason and hopefully that favor would be returned.  Mario even said that he hoped she wouldn’t fall for the peer pressure but then he did.  I was mad at both of them.  That is why she wound up crying because she knew we had that conversation and she felt bad.
J:  I was proud of you and Andrea for killin’ it in the elimination round.  Did you plan that or study together?
S:  Since Piao wasn’t studying very much Andrea was my study buddy.  Matt quizzed us both.  That’s why it sucked going up against her because we knew the same things.  I knew it would come down to the guys.  Looking back I should have sucked up my little anger towards Piao and made him study.  But when he is downstairs playing chess and Matt is upstairs studying with us…Matt obviously had the upper hand.
J:  Unfortunately for you, Piao didn’t have money signs in his eyes.
S:  As an accountant, he is very a monetary realist.  The difference between us is that he is happy with his day job and will do the same thing until he retires.  At the time I was trying to reach a dream.  I was trying to work non-full time jobs so that I could go to auditions.  To me, the money would have helped me be able to invest in myself and do something for myself.  He saw it more as fun.
J:  What do you take from this experience?
S:  It was a lot of fun.  Although I say things like; Cee-Cee was catty, if I saw her today I would give her a big hug.  It’s the same thing with Piao.  It’s something that we all went through together.  It was a lot of fun.  There is no cutting anybody out of that memory.  I just hope that something good comes out of it for myself in the long run.
J:  What are your plans from here on?
S:  I do business development for an event production company.  It’s sales and it’s cool but it’s not making me rich.  I want to be able to market myself and find an agent or manager.  I want to find someone who can steer me in the right direction so that I can ultimately have a job that I love and make good money doing it.
J:  Right on, I wish you the best of luck with that.  Do you have any last words or shout outs?
S:  I still haven’t talked to Andrea.  I can’t find her!  But all I can say is to keep watching the show.  There are a lot of interesting things to come.  So check it out!
J:  Thanks Sheree!

Beauty and the Geek 3 Interview with Sheree

Beauty & the Geek, Week 2, The Beauties form cliques and the geeks see a naked chic!

This episode started off right with some boy on girl action.  Megan and Cecille rocked Scooter’s world as they had him in the bed teasingly smackin’ his rear.  He said that he started to get nervous and scared.  He told the girls that he didn’t want to make out because of the cameras and admitted it was “just an excuse” in a personal interview.
Cecille called his bluff and attempted to cover up the camera.  She took a fall to the floor trying to do so.  Scooter was saved from the other houseguests who came to investigate the noise.

Mike announced the next challenge.  The beauties are to learn the study of flights and space travel.  The men are to learn to appreciate women.  Both genders take study material from the bookshelves and despise the tasks before them.

 Buck naked model posing for the geeks
The men entered a room and assumed position behind an easel.  They were given minutes to sketch one fine naked tenderoni.  The geeks were in awe of the naked model, who introduced herself as Sophia as she disrobed.  They gave a shot at drawing her physical attributes while she talked their ear off.  Her continuous conversation with the geeks was the “catch” of the challenge - listening to women.  Time up, pencils down, Mike came back to look at the pictures.  They all sucked and Piao lost his mind.
Piao drew a circle in the middle of his page with 4 men on each corner of the page.  He said the circle was her breast representing the sun and the were men were “magnets” or being attracted.  Clever…but not a picture of the booty-baring girl.
Mike informed the geeks that listening to the woman (and not their artistic skills) was the actual challenge.  The guys were shocked.  But she babbled so obviously that they proved to be physically inclined creatures.  Questions regarding the Sophia’s chatter were asked and Mario was the only geek who retained her info and won the challenge.
The beauties challenge was to give a tour of the California science center air and space museum.  The geeks joined a real group of tourists for their partners’ tour and are told not to give their teammates help.  Ken Phillips the curator of the air and space gallery was the judge.
While Cecille reported on a helicopter she referenced the helicopters on the TV series Mash that took soldiers to bombsites…???  Erin and Jenny didn’t perform well either.  Andrea and Sheree had some good and bad times in their performance.  Mario felt that Nadia nailed it and she did – because she won the women’s challenge.
 Teammates Nadia (26, Sorority girl) and Mario (29, Owns 25,000 Comics)

Teammates Nadia and Mario won their respective challenge and are the only team to choose two teams for Elimination.
Talk has circulated that the beauties are divided – the blondes against the brunettes.  Tori who left last week said in her interview that she noticed cliques forming. 
Back at the house, the blonde crew surrounded Nadia.  JennyLee actually asked Nadia who she would eliminate if she had the chance (but she does have the chance??).  Nadia became clammed up and intimidated telling them she felt as though they were putting her on the spot.
Nadia realizes her choice is the put up the two brunettes (Andrea and Sheree) or someone from the blonde crew (her so-called friends).  She becomes a sobbing train wreck.  Apparently she forgot this was a competition.
Teammates and winners of the week’s challenges, Nadia and Mario chose two other teams to face elimination.  Mario chose brunette number one, Sheree and Piao.  Nadia chose brunette number two, Andrea and Matt.
Ah naw, hell naw!
Back at the house Sheree confronts Nadia about getting caught up in peer pressure and following her fellow blondes instead of making her own decision.  This drove Nadia to more tears.
The sole members of the “brunette beauties” now face each other in the elimination challenge.  But they came with it, complimented each other and were on top of their game.  Both girls aced all their questions.  When the heat was on the geeks, Piao’s incorrect answer sent him and Sheree home.
Sitting next to each other in their exit interview, Sheree said that everybody has insecurities and that girls are guys are more alike than what people think.  Piao called her, “real”.  Sheree said Piao was a “gentleman and good hearted” but that he could listen to women.  Piao came back saying that he likes honesty in women, but as much honesty as Sheree has given him.

Sheree stated that she does not see Piao being willing to change.  To sum it up, Piao compared them to being a divorced married couple.  When Sheree said that she and Piao were friends, he said friends was a “loose term”.  Their feedback slowly escalated to bickering that was actually fun to watch.

From left to right team Megan and Scooter, team Andrea and Matt, team JennyLee and Niels, team Cecille and Nate and team Nadia and Mario.

Beauty and the Geek 3 Piao Sheree
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